

SOLD! By Darren Horne

Want to own and run your own gym?

  • Established for over 10 years
  • Children’s area
  • Database over 1,800 clients
  • Great website and active social media presence
  • Two-week training and handover period for the new owner
  • Over 10 years remaining on lease options (occupancy cost under 25%)
  • Sales average over $4,000 a week with a gross income of over $200,000 annually

This business has very successfully been run by an owner operator as a women’s only facility.  Offering a point of difference to other impersonal 24/7 turn key operations in the area.  It is certainly able to expand to unisex but there is a definite need for this space.  Members join and stay.

Of recent times, the owner reports experiencing exponential growth in the number of members aged in their early 20’s.  The directive is clear – women want to work out, hard and not be surrounded by the proverbial ‘peacocks and gorillas’

This is a gym where the all female crew and clients form a united team.

Goals are smashed!

Strong connections made!

Everyone works and sweats hard!

Bringing this all together is a small dedicated staff who are well trained and loyal. They have proven this staying on and helping grow the business when the current owner took over some 4 years ago.


You want to own and run your own gym – banks wont help?

Have you considered Vendor Finance?  Where payment of a portion of the business price can be done over time.

Talk to  Darren Horne 0438 512 998 about this option

State VIC
Price SOLD
Property Type Business
Property ID 24
Category Leisure/Entertainment, Leisure/Entertainment

Agent Details

BF Brokers HQ photo

BF Brokers HQ

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Darren Horne photo

Darren Horne

0483 968 232
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Cameron Prosser photo

Cameron Prosser

0483 960 232
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